Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tuna Lettuce Wraps

Something Different...

Tuna Lettuce Wraps!

     I'm tired of salad for lunch everyday, and tired of making them too.  I sent my husband to the store and he came home with iceberg lettuce...blech!  I have dubbed it the "polyester of all vegetables." is what I came up with to shake up lunch and use up that iceberg...

     I took an envelope of light tuna in water, added about 1 tablespoon chopped onion, a dash of cilantro and parsley, one chopped hard boiled egg, 1 stalk of celery with leaves, and 1-2 tablespoons of greek yogurt ranch dressing.  Spooned it onto a half lettuce leaf  and rolled it up.  It made about 5 or 6 rolls.  I put them in a container, and into my lunch bag it went with a few cherry tomatoes, an apple and some homebrewed and chilled green tea...LUNCH!!! (well, except for the one I ripped, I had to eat it!)

According to My Fitness Pal, the lettuce rolls are about 200 calories, 2.7g carbs, and 24g protein.

Happy Lunch, Kris